Friday, July 25, 2008

Disturbia...damn you.

So i have been fighting my love for this song. Truly I have tried. But alas, she got me with the video. Le Sigh. This might become my new jam for the rest of the summer. Might was the keyword in the last sentence.

Friday, July 18, 2008


So yes, I went to the midnight viewing of The Dark Knight. I can't really sum it up on a quick post, so that will come later. In the meantime I saw this trailer for Watchmen before the movie and could hardly contain myself. This movie is directed by the same man who did 300 so that already says it will be beautifully shot, but the big draw is the actual graphic novel it is based on. Watchmen is one of the most acclaimed graphic novels ever and is in fact a very poignant and meaningful look into society and choices. Here is the trailer. Believe that I will be talking more and more about this as it's release date approaches.

*Note from editor: So yeah I may love Batman and X-men, and the release of Watchmen may also be a very big moment in my life but that does not make me some sort of comic nerd. And yeah, I may have gotten a nerd-gasim just from watching this trailer and am already trying to start a countdown in my mind, but that does not make me a dork. It just means I have an older brother who I used to watch cartoons with and was therefore exposed to the world or Marvel and DC which eventually led me to liking comics. Yup, that's it. Pushing glasses back up nose.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Greatest shit to happen on Sesame St. since early 90's

So I have watched Sesame St with my baby neice over the years...needless to say I was not impressed. However, this clip brought a smile to my face. I just need to know where the hell is the Count?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Guy Ritchie, you read my mind!

A British mob movie with Gerard Butler and Idris Elba directed by Guy Ritchie. There have been a couple of test screenings and all the reviews have said that this is the return to the Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels days of Ritchie, which were AMAZING. I am counting down the days until this movie comes out!

Can't. Fucking. Wait.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cause his friends don't dance...

...And if they don't dance
Than, they're no friends of mine

Seriously, if I am having a bad day I just watch this and it makes me forget my troubles for a little bit. Turk is my hero.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cat Power + My Blueberry Nights = Bliss

So I just bought the movie My Blueberry Nights on a whim, and let me tell you that it was absolutley beuatiful. The directer Wong Kar Wai puts together a visual feast that captures such feeling and emotion through colors that some scenes left me stunned. Plus Jude Law made it really yummy...

Oh and imagine my surprise when I heard my favorite Cat Power song playing in the background("The Greatest") and then BAM a couple of scenes later she is in the movie.

*oh and Norah Mothafuck'n Jones is the lead in this movie. Can't get no better.

The trailer:

Cat Power's performance of "The Greatest". Seriously she is fucking AMAZING, and it still baffles me how long her amazing album has been out with little recognition in the states.

John McCain: Yes We Cunt

New goal: Everytime you hear McCain you think McCunt.
Obama '08!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hip Hop + Feminisim. Can It Co Exist?

So I am a proud card carrying member feminist, as someone who grew up (and still deals with) machismo on an everyday basis, I have come to embrace the label that being a feminist entails. No I am not a lesbian man hating bra burning woman. These are all negative stereotypes that attempt to discredit what being a feminist is all about, essentially the belief that women are human beings that deserve respect and equality.

So I digress, this post in not merely about being a feminist, but about how I deal with being a feminist who loves Hip Hop. I can admit that at times there has been a strain in my relationship with Hip Hop mostly due to the commercial friendly songs that get played over, and over, and over,and over, AND OVER again on the radio. I mean there are but so many time I can hear about some one's "bust it baby" and how in fact a woman's worth all boils down to how good her blow job is and how her ass cheeks can clap together. There have been times that I go cold turkey and go weeks without playing hip hop because I feel so disgusted with the lack of women MC's currently out and how some of these more popular songs just degrade women of color.

I sometimes wish I could give up hip hop for good, but alas I can't. Hip Hop has been with me as far back as I can remember,from singing Salt N Peppa songs that were years beyond my worldly knowledge (let's talk about SEX) to having a young crush on Tupac and rocking with Lil Kim and her "crush on you" songs. As someone who grew up in an urban area I relate to hip hop on a very base level, loving the beats, the flow, the places that a Hip Hop song can take you. Unfortunately as a woman I have also seen where hip hop can be a man's world that largely dehumanizes my entire gender. Now I understand that sex sells and sex is a part of life, I don't believe that a woman's sexuality must be her downfall and can be embraced, but it should also be embraced just as much as her intelligence, strength and determination. I honestly don't know what to do, must I give up one to be loyal to the other? Sure there are some great artist out there that give a more balanced point of view on women (Mos Def, Common, Talib, Lupe) but they are few and largely don't get that much exposure. And what about female MC's? Where the hell have they all gone? Why is Hip Hop a genre of music that has such a limeted amount of women in it?

I really would like to hear other people's opinions on this both male and female. I don't think I have a concrete answer as to whether the two can coexist. Does loving Hip Hop make me hypocritical to my own pro feminist cause?

I leave you with this clip of a documentary that seems very interesting and opens up discourse on the supper masculinity that seems to be a requirement in Hip Hop.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Music = Love

So every now and then I discover a little known artist that does not get radio play (mainstram U.S radio that is) but is literally FIRE.I obsess about said artist by buying their album (as opposed to getting bootlegs for those that really don't need anymore of my money *coughKanyecough*) and posting them on my myspace page. My most current obsession has been SantoGold who is fucking AMAZING. She is so versitile and talented, you really can't label what type of music she is. i just discovered that she is MTV's artist of the week which is really great exposure for her, but also means that my obsession may wain b/c of her sudden rise to fame (which she SO deserves) so here I leave my favorite song of her's.

P.S She is NOT like M.I.A, if you listen to her whole album she goes places that M.I.A has not. No diss to M.I.A, bitch is FIERCE and is still one of the best. I am just tired of people claiming that Santo is trying to be like M.I.A.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from looking forward...

I ran as a daughter who benefited from opportunities my mother never dreamed of. I ran as a mother who worries about my daughter's future and a mother who wants to leave all children brighter tomorrows.

To build that future I see, we must make sure that women and men alike understand the struggles of their grandmothers and their mothers, and that women enjoy equal opportunities, equal pay, and equal respect.

Let us …resolve and work toward achieving very simple propositions: There are no acceptable limits, and there are no acceptable prejudices in the 21st century in our country.

Friday, April 4, 2008

We go back like babies and...

So I would not label my self a real "Mariah Fan" or anything like that. I would not stand out in the rain waiting for concert tickets, get a butterfly tattoo, or make her a scrap book to show off on MTV cribs. But honestly I grew up on the woman! I hear a song and can distinctly remember major events in my life. So gearing up for her new album (don't hate) I was going back and looking at some old music videos. I can't really chose a favorite, but this one really stuck out for me. It did not get much air time, and if you think about her greatest hits you would prob not mention this song, but it defines my middle school/freshman highschool life. I love it, aint no shame in my game. And the limo scene reminds me of the Fiona Apple song Criminal, which is fucking A-Mazing! That is a whole nother post, but I really was never able to appreciate that song (criminal) until my college years.

Here is the Mariah video...enjoy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Help Me Help Them

I know I talk about music, movies, pop culture and my personal life on this blog...but this's for a good cause.

On April 27th I will be taking part in the SPCA of AA County's Walk for the Animals 2008.

Me and my puppeh will be raising money for an animal shelter. Look for details here and if you would like to donate any cent is going to help!!

I know this is not for Pedigree (even though what they do is great) but in the end it is the same cause. Watch Video below;

Monday, March 10, 2008

The song I HATE to *cough*love*cough*

Gaaaaaaaah!!!! I can't stop playing this song! Damn you Mariah!!!! Again I think it speaks to my inner Gay man. No really, Mariah IS everything that is "girly", she is rainbows, butterflies, pink frilly pillows, those heels with puffy feathery stuff women wear while in bras and panties, pink lip gloss, small yapping dogs, and wind blowing through perfect hair .

She is EVERYTHING I am not. I am black nail polish, silver jewlery, black secretary glasses, and clumping mascara at the end of the night. The only thing I own that is pink is some frilly underwear that only a select few lay eyes on.

I was a good fan of her up until after that Honey period she had going on, after that it's been more like eh *shrug*. Well except for the movie "Honey" which will always remind me of a long distance relationship. Said person was able to enlighten me on the absolutely hilarious merits of this movie. * Shout out to Franso!*

Anyways, here is the song I CAN NOT stop playing. It's like cotten candy, so damn sweet that you don't consume it often, so when you do, you go all out crazy with it. Eating the sickly sweet stickiness of the cotton candy until you got it all over your face and finger and you feel like your about die/barf or just neet to lay down and burp. That is what this song is to me...I am at the stage of binging. Between this and the Janet song, I feel myself either converting into a girly girl (shudder the very thought!) or just trying to reconnect with my 11 year old self...

I chose to believe the latter.

I leave you with the song and a video ,but not THE music video. Why you ask? I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE the new video. Yes I understand it is meant to be funny...still...ugh, mugh, blah!

Highlight of the song is when she goes "oh yeah, oh yeah,oh yeah, oh yeah" like a thousand times, it sound to me like "Oye!" in spanish.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Goodbye my almost lover...

You know when you hear one of those songs that cause time to slow and a tightness in your chest? Well, "Goodbye my almost lover" by A Fine Frenzy is THAT song. And no, I am not going through a break up or any type of heart ache in my love life. In fact, I am in a really great place right now for the first time in a long time... :o) But that is neither here nor there and will be saved for another post...maybe.

Anyways this song is so fucking amazing, I can't even explain it. I was a big fan of it when it first came out, but it really has not gotten much recognition. I heard it out of the blue today and got so emotional I had to post about it.

Note to self: pull out this song and a glass of white wine when next breakup

Here is a video for the song I found with clips from the movie Becoming Jane (no I have not seen the movie but after this I want to go rent it.) Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ms. Jackson if your NASTY!

So I used to be a HUGE fan of Janet, back in her "Velvet Rope" days. That was the most fierce album/tour ever. Bitch was on her A game! Since then it has been a downward slide for our relationship, she just seemed to be moving farther and farther away from the things that made her Janet Jackson. And don't get me started on those damn songs with Kelis and Nelly...ugh, blah, mugh.

Ms.Jackson shame on me for doubting you this time around!!! You are back, and better than ever! Dare I even say...FEROSH!

This song will not stay out of my head, and honestly brings out my inner gay man. No really, I find myself strutting when I hear the song, applying more lipgloss in the car if it comes on, and even fluffing my hair. This song even gets me in the mood to do the nasty...Ms.Jackson...THANK YOU FOR COMING BACK! And showing these other little girls *cough, Beyonce & RiRi, cough* how it is really done!

I leave you with Rock With You

*Franso...let it grow on you, trust me on this!

*P.S anyone else catch Blake from Dance Life on MTV and So You Think You Can Dance on fox in the video? He was working it!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Night Owl

Gaaaah...I swear I have to have some vampire in my blood line or something. For some reason since I can remember I have always been a night person. Night time is when I feel more alive, more creative, just More. That shit just don't fly when you have a job. I have spent many days with blurred vision looking at a computer screen and wondering why Starbucks does not make portable I.Vs that shoot espresso shots directly into vains. I would so pay up as much as they want.

So unless I start taking some sort of sleeping pills (which I really don't want to) I guess I should look into jobs/ lifestyles that happen more at night...or just marry rich? *I kidd, I kidd* No but really... any suggestions?


Btw I can not get that new Janet Jackson song "Rock with You" out of my head. It is soooo FEROSH!!! No really, Janet hunny it's good to have the Velvet Rope you back!!!

The music video so brings out my inner gay man...and believe me hunny it takes A LOT o Feroshness to do that *snap, snap*

I leave you with a qoute that is soooo me right now.
"A dreamer is one who can only see his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." ~Oscar Wilde

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bitches get shit done!!!!

Watch this all the way through.

I would like to point out that this is what I have been saying this whole time!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I think I am psychic

No really. Everytime I think to myself "Hmm, it's about time that I get a new light bulb" The very next day that light burns out. This is NOT the first time, it is about the 5th. *sigh*

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sex & the City

While my dog Chico recovers from my insanly high pitched scream of joy... I leave you with the new and extended trailer to the movie.

Can't. Freaking. Wait.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


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Personally I loath reality shows, I hope this doesn’t sound condescending, but in my own opinion it is utter CRAP. I enjoy plot, witty dialogue, characters, and entertainment that is more than just sticking a camera into the lives of rich housewives in California, or trying to get some poor pathetic woman to hook up with Flavor Flav. Reality shows to me are just the exploitation of the “rubber necking syndrome” people tend to have. You know, when driving past an accident (no matter how minor or gruesome) people slow their cars down and stare. To me this is reality television, it is playing upon people’s tendencies to do this and it’s also a lazy way networks get ratings.

Can I just say hallelujah & amen to the writer’s strike finally being over!!

So with that being said, I was really surprised when Project Runway became a weekly ritual for me in its first season. I mean it is a reality show…however; it’s not really banking on cat fights and drama, as it is the creative genius in young designers. Yes I know the fashion world sniffs down its perfect nose job on this show, but come on! Even the people in the fashion world have taken notice; I mean ROBERTO fucking CAVALLI was on just the other week!! Over the past couple of seasons I have come to love some great and creative designers on that show, but none have made me fall in love the way Christian Siriano has! This man is soooo FIERCE!

No really, he has MADE season 4 for me! He is so talented and innovative with his creations, and at the same time he is like this petite size diva of fierceness!!! I leave you with this youtube video. Watch and see.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Review for Lipstick Jungle on NBC

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So I watched the much talked about and hyped show "Lipstick Jungle" tonight. I allowed myself to overcome the horrible and clichéd name (really, they can't help it, it was the book title) and sat down to watch the "best thing to hit TV since Carrie and Mr. Big left". Right.

I am a huge Sex and the City fan, it was a smart, witty, and memorable show which kept not only female friendships realistic, but also the secret conversation we tend to have among friends about men, relationships, and sex. I braced myself to watch "Lipstick Jungle" and not compare it to the HBO counterpart. I really, really, really wanted to like the show...

I did not.

It was so boring and unrealistic. I found myself squirming in my chair from the less then clever dialogue and looking at the clock to see when the show was going to end. The characters were not that likeable and not once did I laugh or at least smirk.

Thank God the writer’s strike is said to be ending soon, because seriously, this was absolute crap.

Back to watching my Sex & the City DVD's for when I need a fix of some smart, witty, sexy, likeable female show.

My frustration with Complacency

Ok. So I think it is GREAT that my generation is stepping up and becoming very politically involved in this election. It is about damn time that we say enough is enough! Eight years of an administration that has messed up in astronomical ways seems to have finally gotten the attention of an otherwise indifferent youth.

I guess it took invading the wrong country, the administration giving the finger to the lower income population in times of great need (Katrina) , a trillion dollar war debt we will be paying well into our retirement ages, a bill which otherwise tramples our constitutional rights (Patriot Act), a CIA leak which put the lives of agents in peril because people spoke out against the administration’s blatant bullying tactics regarding Iraq (btw it is NOT pronounced I Rack, it is pronounced E Rock), an immigration policy which is a complete joke, and various other blunders which will be affecting this country in negative ways for years to come.

Ok, so I digress. I think it is great everyone is becoming politically involved, however, when did it become okay to vote for a candidate who will basically lead this country for the next four years because of their gender, skin color, or likeability? Did we not learn from Bush that just because you “want to have a beer with them” does NOT mean they can run this country efficiently?!?!

And as for gender and race, I am SO tired of seeing stupid idiotic comments like “If you’re voting for Hillary you’re really not black” or “If you’re voting for Hillary you’re really not Latino.” Or “If you’re voting for Obama you don’t care about women’s issues.” These narrow minded comments are everywhere and I have been very disappointed seeing them in not only young new voters, but even more experienced voters (and leaders within their respective communities who you would think would be a little more open-minded.) how is it acceptable that a candidate can get your very coveted vote merely because of their race or gender?

I have been very open and passionate about who I support to be the next President, and I want to make it clear that this rant is not an attempt to sway your vote to my preferred candidate, this is my attempt to tell you to research the facts, look at the voting history, and support someone who has fought for the issues you feel are important! I am sick of turning on CNN or MSNBC and hearing about who “gets the ___ vote” (insert Latino, Black, or Women in the blank), why is that acceptable, and why are we allowing the media to not only pigeon hole us but also make this very important presidential election into a race war?

We have to do better than this! Don’t support someone because you feel like you have to, support someone who you know will fight for the issues you feel are important. I am tired of having discussions with people who know absolutely nothing about their candidate but will vote for them because it is “trendy.”

Yes it is important to vote, but what is more important and crucial is to be an educated voter. It really does not take that much effort to look up their voting records, financial contributions or their stances on key issues. It’s called GOOGLE people…and it’s free.

I don’t want to sound annoying but I really want to stress the point that never should a candidate assume that they will get the vote of a whole racial group or gender because of what they are. They get votes for fighting, voting, and believing in issues.

As I jump off my soap box I just want to encourage everyone to have an open mind and be informed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quincy knows whats good...

Para Migente

also remember to register to vote! Regardless of WHO you vote for, be informed and be active in choosing who will lead this country!!!

*if you are undecided I'll be glad to answer any questions you have!


*drum roll please...* I support...


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Heath Ledger

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck that which is planted.
- - - - Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

What most people from D.C don't do...

So I was born and raised in Washington D.C and now live in Maryland (about 20 min from D.C), and for the past week I have been doing something most native D.C’ers don’t ever do; sight seeing. My cousins from Argentina are in and for the past week I have been playing tour guide thus far going to The National Gallery of Art, The Air and Space Museum, Arlington National Cemetery, The Kennedy Center, and some modern museum of art whose name escapes me at the moment.

I was seeing the city of my birth from outsider’s eyes, looking at the structure of the city, the vibrancy of the people, and the cleanliness of our metro system in an entirely new way. Although I still have hopes to work and live in the U.K, I must say that the Washington D.C area is my 2nd choice to live and work in. I don’t think I am being biased; I have traveled to and lived in some major cities on the east coast. While I love Boston and New York (and think Baltimore and Philadelphia are shit holes, sorry) D.C has everything you could want neatly packed into a smaller, cleaner version of all the rest. There is a great nightlife with flavors for everyone from a poetry jazz section, to upscale fine dining, to trendy younger scenes, to Latin flavor in some corners.

I really do love this city and decided to post some pictures of my adventures thus far.

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