Monday, March 10, 2008

The song I HATE to *cough*love*cough*

Gaaaaaaaah!!!! I can't stop playing this song! Damn you Mariah!!!! Again I think it speaks to my inner Gay man. No really, Mariah IS everything that is "girly", she is rainbows, butterflies, pink frilly pillows, those heels with puffy feathery stuff women wear while in bras and panties, pink lip gloss, small yapping dogs, and wind blowing through perfect hair .

She is EVERYTHING I am not. I am black nail polish, silver jewlery, black secretary glasses, and clumping mascara at the end of the night. The only thing I own that is pink is some frilly underwear that only a select few lay eyes on.

I was a good fan of her up until after that Honey period she had going on, after that it's been more like eh *shrug*. Well except for the movie "Honey" which will always remind me of a long distance relationship. Said person was able to enlighten me on the absolutely hilarious merits of this movie. * Shout out to Franso!*

Anyways, here is the song I CAN NOT stop playing. It's like cotten candy, so damn sweet that you don't consume it often, so when you do, you go all out crazy with it. Eating the sickly sweet stickiness of the cotton candy until you got it all over your face and finger and you feel like your about die/barf or just neet to lay down and burp. That is what this song is to me...I am at the stage of binging. Between this and the Janet song, I feel myself either converting into a girly girl (shudder the very thought!) or just trying to reconnect with my 11 year old self...

I chose to believe the latter.

I leave you with the song and a video ,but not THE music video. Why you ask? I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE the new video. Yes I understand it is meant to be funny...still...ugh, mugh, blah!

Highlight of the song is when she goes "oh yeah, oh yeah,oh yeah, oh yeah" like a thousand times, it sound to me like "Oye!" in spanish.

1 comment:

Mighty Franso said...

2 things:

the movie is GLITTER!!!!

and you're listenin to that trash? i think we need to go on a break.
