Friday, July 18, 2008


So yes, I went to the midnight viewing of The Dark Knight. I can't really sum it up on a quick post, so that will come later. In the meantime I saw this trailer for Watchmen before the movie and could hardly contain myself. This movie is directed by the same man who did 300 so that already says it will be beautifully shot, but the big draw is the actual graphic novel it is based on. Watchmen is one of the most acclaimed graphic novels ever and is in fact a very poignant and meaningful look into society and choices. Here is the trailer. Believe that I will be talking more and more about this as it's release date approaches.

*Note from editor: So yeah I may love Batman and X-men, and the release of Watchmen may also be a very big moment in my life but that does not make me some sort of comic nerd. And yeah, I may have gotten a nerd-gasim just from watching this trailer and am already trying to start a countdown in my mind, but that does not make me a dork. It just means I have an older brother who I used to watch cartoons with and was therefore exposed to the world or Marvel and DC which eventually led me to liking comics. Yup, that's it. Pushing glasses back up nose.

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