Friday, March 7, 2008

Night Owl

Gaaaah...I swear I have to have some vampire in my blood line or something. For some reason since I can remember I have always been a night person. Night time is when I feel more alive, more creative, just More. That shit just don't fly when you have a job. I have spent many days with blurred vision looking at a computer screen and wondering why Starbucks does not make portable I.Vs that shoot espresso shots directly into vains. I would so pay up as much as they want.

So unless I start taking some sort of sleeping pills (which I really don't want to) I guess I should look into jobs/ lifestyles that happen more at night...or just marry rich? *I kidd, I kidd* No but really... any suggestions?


Btw I can not get that new Janet Jackson song "Rock with You" out of my head. It is soooo FEROSH!!! No really, Janet hunny it's good to have the Velvet Rope you back!!!

The music video so brings out my inner gay man...and believe me hunny it takes A LOT o Feroshness to do that *snap, snap*

I leave you with a qoute that is soooo me right now.
"A dreamer is one who can only see his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." ~Oscar Wilde

1 comment:

Mighty Franso said...




i'm most active @ night, it's so annoying, i hate it so much... but i can't stop!

my grandfather was the same way... we'd wake up and all the snacks would be gone. lol, but that's neither here nor there!

that quote is...THE TRUTH!!!