Thursday, February 7, 2008

My frustration with Complacency

Ok. So I think it is GREAT that my generation is stepping up and becoming very politically involved in this election. It is about damn time that we say enough is enough! Eight years of an administration that has messed up in astronomical ways seems to have finally gotten the attention of an otherwise indifferent youth.

I guess it took invading the wrong country, the administration giving the finger to the lower income population in times of great need (Katrina) , a trillion dollar war debt we will be paying well into our retirement ages, a bill which otherwise tramples our constitutional rights (Patriot Act), a CIA leak which put the lives of agents in peril because people spoke out against the administration’s blatant bullying tactics regarding Iraq (btw it is NOT pronounced I Rack, it is pronounced E Rock), an immigration policy which is a complete joke, and various other blunders which will be affecting this country in negative ways for years to come.

Ok, so I digress. I think it is great everyone is becoming politically involved, however, when did it become okay to vote for a candidate who will basically lead this country for the next four years because of their gender, skin color, or likeability? Did we not learn from Bush that just because you “want to have a beer with them” does NOT mean they can run this country efficiently?!?!

And as for gender and race, I am SO tired of seeing stupid idiotic comments like “If you’re voting for Hillary you’re really not black” or “If you’re voting for Hillary you’re really not Latino.” Or “If you’re voting for Obama you don’t care about women’s issues.” These narrow minded comments are everywhere and I have been very disappointed seeing them in not only young new voters, but even more experienced voters (and leaders within their respective communities who you would think would be a little more open-minded.) how is it acceptable that a candidate can get your very coveted vote merely because of their race or gender?

I have been very open and passionate about who I support to be the next President, and I want to make it clear that this rant is not an attempt to sway your vote to my preferred candidate, this is my attempt to tell you to research the facts, look at the voting history, and support someone who has fought for the issues you feel are important! I am sick of turning on CNN or MSNBC and hearing about who “gets the ___ vote” (insert Latino, Black, or Women in the blank), why is that acceptable, and why are we allowing the media to not only pigeon hole us but also make this very important presidential election into a race war?

We have to do better than this! Don’t support someone because you feel like you have to, support someone who you know will fight for the issues you feel are important. I am tired of having discussions with people who know absolutely nothing about their candidate but will vote for them because it is “trendy.”

Yes it is important to vote, but what is more important and crucial is to be an educated voter. It really does not take that much effort to look up their voting records, financial contributions or their stances on key issues. It’s called GOOGLE people…and it’s free.

I don’t want to sound annoying but I really want to stress the point that never should a candidate assume that they will get the vote of a whole racial group or gender because of what they are. They get votes for fighting, voting, and believing in issues.

As I jump off my soap box I just want to encourage everyone to have an open mind and be informed.

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