Sunday, March 9, 2008

Goodbye my almost lover...

You know when you hear one of those songs that cause time to slow and a tightness in your chest? Well, "Goodbye my almost lover" by A Fine Frenzy is THAT song. And no, I am not going through a break up or any type of heart ache in my love life. In fact, I am in a really great place right now for the first time in a long time... :o) But that is neither here nor there and will be saved for another post...maybe.

Anyways this song is so fucking amazing, I can't even explain it. I was a big fan of it when it first came out, but it really has not gotten much recognition. I heard it out of the blue today and got so emotional I had to post about it.

Note to self: pull out this song and a glass of white wine when next breakup

Here is a video for the song I found with clips from the movie Becoming Jane (no I have not seen the movie but after this I want to go rent it.) Hope you enjoy.

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