Sunday, December 30, 2007

*personal*- A Conversation with mom about future grandkids, or lack thereof

Well today me and dear old mom went shopping with two of my much younger cousins (11 & 12 years old) and the topic of grandkids came up. The topic was brought up because she noticed how my left eye kept twitching when my younger cousins came near me, as well as the fact that it seems people my age are getting married and having children.


Maybe it is the fact that I am 22, or maybe I really just don't have a maternal bone in my body, but I came to the realization (probably about a year or two ago) that I don't really like kids. Nor do I have a desire to have any. Then again I am not in a relationship... so maybe it's just that I have not met a guy whose kids I want? But I digress from my main point.

I want to know when I turned into "that angry child-hating grown up", you know the one. When you were a kid there was that one adult who seemed to cringe in your presence, or was utterly silent when there were multiple "ooohs and ahhhs" about how cute you were. That one aunt or friend of your mom's that would just stare at you as if looking at some perplexing new species when all you wanted to do was show her how neat your coloring book was. This adult tends to be the antagonist in all great children’s stories, think back to Hansel and Gretel. I mean really, those brats were eating HER house!!! What was she to do?

So yeah, I guess I have come to terms with my lack of interest in children.

Oh in case you’re wondering my mom's response to my announcement was a laugh and a "don't tell your father."


1 comment:

Mighty Franso said...


LMAO... and i thought about having you as Madrina to hija #3... oh well.

dique ur eye twitches....!