Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Senate Dems tell Bush to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Well not exactly, but in a manner of speaking they are. Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) officialy called the Senate into session today for eleven seconds. Yes you read that right, he essentially clocked into work durring vacation for eleven seconds. Why you ask, well the democrats are keeping congress in session all durring the break in oder to block Bush from making any recess appointments. Basically the president is allowed to fill out top goverment positiion for a year without the approval of congress as long as they are in recess.

So basically democrats are giving Bush the finger and keeping congress open, if only for a few seconds, all through the break and month of January. ( )lists that other Senators will share the duty inclucing:
Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts
Byron Dorgan of North Dakota
Jack Reed of Rhode Island
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
Ben Cardin of Maryland
Chuck Schumer of New York

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