Sunday, December 23, 2007

1st blog...Aaaand SCENE!

Ok well this is my first ever blog. How exciting. I guess I should first point out it is almost 4am (I think I have a borderline sleep disorder) and I am listening to old Hollywood songs and decided to start a blog- have I mentioned that I am RANDOM?

Well I guess I should introduce myself. I am a 22 year old Cynical Optimist living in Maryland (the suburbs of Washington dc) who is into old Hollywood movies, politics, Gerard Butler, black nail polish with great pumps, baseball, British football (that is soccer to all us Yanks), world affairs, and trashy gossip. So that is what you may expect from my future posts.

I would like to bring one topic up for discussion. I guess a thought to end the year with. Find happiness in all you do. Yup, that there is my sage little tid bit of advice. Being that I am in that awkward stage in life where your not still a full fledged adult with a mortgage and kids, but no longer in my oh so wistful days of unapologetically carefree youth I am using this mantra (come on say it with me... find happiness in all you do!) to basically map out the rest of my life...good times.

I leave you with what I was listening to as I was posting...enjoy.

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