Friday, December 28, 2007

The Drool Factor. Sharing the yumminess which is Gerry

So I just wanted to share this with women everywhere...the beauty which is Gerard James Butler.

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Anyone who really knows me, knows about my fixation with this actor, I am head over heels in lust with him.

His new movie P.S I Love You

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also starring Hillary Swank, Kathy Bates, and Harry Conick Jr is amazing. Honestly one of the best movies I have seen all year and it had me "laughing through my tears." No really it has everything you could want in an emotional wrenching type of way.

Ok back to the beautiful Mr. Butler. He is 38, from Scotlend (OH YES HE DOES HAVE THAT SCOTTISH BURR!!), a former lawyer, and utterly charming. I leave you with a some yummy treats!

Also if you were wondering what movies he has been in:
*played the phantom in Phantom of the Opera
*King Leonidas in 300
*Attila in Attila the Hun
*Dracula in Dracula 2000
*"The stranger" in Dear Frankie (AMAZING Scottish movie!)

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