Thursday, December 27, 2007

*personal*- I want to live in Scotland

Yeah so this is short rant about how I want to move to Scotland or live somewhere in the UK within the next couple of years. I don't know how, when, or where, but I am determined to live and work there at least for a couple of years.

I have tried to explain this to my hermana (spanish for sister) who will go by the name of Siri. She has known about my "fixation" on moving there and finally asked me why a Latina American who has grown up in the burbs of D.C has this crazed urge to go live in a "cold and wet" place.

ok (1) It is not always cold and wet. And contrary to the land of my people (El Salvador) I really don't like hot weather. Don't get me wrong sun, sand, ocean, and tans, are nice and all, but I have always enjoyed winter and fall a lot more.
(2) Have you ever seen pictures of Scotland? IT IS BEAUTIFUL. There is something about the land, the way it seems to hold so much history and mystery within the lochs, mountains, castles, and fog. It just calls to me.

I believe that my facination stems from the movie Braveheart. I know that sounds odd, I want to go live and work in a foregin country based on a movie I saw when I was eleven. But I have done my research and looked into potential jobs, tax situations, flat prices, etc. and am anxious to go.

I plan on traveling there for a vacation before I do anything drastic, anyone game to come with me?

I mean seriouly
*FREE health care
*Guys with Accents
*The beautiful and pulling history of the land
*Did I mention Kilts?

whats not to love?

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