Sunday, December 23, 2007

Political Rants...don't worry I'll post more fluff later.

Ok so it is officially going to be 2008 in about eight more days…and you know what that means (at least to a 22 year old former West Wing addict and Keith Oberman devout follower) it is election YEAR! *insert loud and obnoxious party horn here*

Now to give you a little insight on my political views, I am a 22 year old, three times congressional/senate intern who was working the election campaign trail from the time I was sixteen. Yeah, politics seems to be a passion of mine which I attribute to my father reading Newsweek to me when I was little, living inside the beltway, and being so addicted to the West Wing (oh Aaron Zorkin how I miss thee) that it was to me much like starbucks and blow are everyday necessities to the Olsen Twins.

Any who I have not come out and officially endorsed any candidate, I have narrowed it down, but will be making an Oprah-like (in scale not necessarily in candidate choice…but one never does know) announcement soon.

So in the meantime I feel the need to post links to other blogs or articles that show all sides of the political spectrum of the democratic candidates. This morning Joe Wilson’s article in the Huffington Post ( caught my eye ( .

The article written by a former ambassador and casualty of the bush administration (his wife is Valerie Plane, the CIA agent who was outed by this country’s administration because Mr. Wilson was vehement in his opposition to Bush’s allegations of Weapons of Mass Destruction) uses this article to reiterate Obama’s Achilles heel.

You know, the fact that he has no foreign policy experience what so ever. He has stated that he will use his “intuition”, and the council of others in matters of foreign policy. Okay, well I would expect even an experienced person would do the same so him stating the use of intuition is not exactly awe inspiring. I feel that Senator Obama has fresh views, and I do agree with some of his policies; however as a loyal democrat I look for a candidate that can beat the competition (you know those pesky republicans), and if his lack of experience is already a huge issues in the primaries could you imagine what Fox news and other fascist portals of evil will do? Yeah…

In my ideal world I would be able to vote for Kucinich in the primaries, and he would beat the republican candidate. Unfortunately no matter how “progressive” we claim the U.S is, I highly doubt we are ready for Kucinich…

For now I think of him as a potential seabiscuit. Maybe the underdog can win…

Nah. For now I will just wish for a President Bartlett

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