Wednesday, December 26, 2007

*personal*-My Long Distance Lova

Ok so as you know I am really new to this whole blogging world (still feeling my way around) but my inspiration for starting one was my long distance lova who we will refer to as Franso. Now Franso and I met on a sunny day at a bbq at our University...we locked eyes from across the room and instantly I recognized a kindred spirit. From our love of trashy gossip, neo soul and hip hop, our sarcastic nature, and random personalities, I found someone so cool who I loved to chill with. Now I quickly became hooked on her personality, going to school functions together, texting mad crazy, just thinking this was one of the coolest chicks I had ever met and I was glad to have a new friend, only to find out that she was transfering out and leaving me... So yeah she broke my heart. I since have settled for her long distance lova status.

So check out her blog which is pretty damn awsome.

*Everytime I see Glitter I think of you Franso *tear* Got me all sad and times tempted to make a bust of you using starburts and a diana ross wig of lucious curls...

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