Sunday, December 30, 2007

*personal*- A Conversation with mom about future grandkids, or lack thereof

Well today me and dear old mom went shopping with two of my much younger cousins (11 & 12 years old) and the topic of grandkids came up. The topic was brought up because she noticed how my left eye kept twitching when my younger cousins came near me, as well as the fact that it seems people my age are getting married and having children.


Maybe it is the fact that I am 22, or maybe I really just don't have a maternal bone in my body, but I came to the realization (probably about a year or two ago) that I don't really like kids. Nor do I have a desire to have any. Then again I am not in a relationship... so maybe it's just that I have not met a guy whose kids I want? But I digress from my main point.

I want to know when I turned into "that angry child-hating grown up", you know the one. When you were a kid there was that one adult who seemed to cringe in your presence, or was utterly silent when there were multiple "ooohs and ahhhs" about how cute you were. That one aunt or friend of your mom's that would just stare at you as if looking at some perplexing new species when all you wanted to do was show her how neat your coloring book was. This adult tends to be the antagonist in all great children’s stories, think back to Hansel and Gretel. I mean really, those brats were eating HER house!!! What was she to do?

So yeah, I guess I have come to terms with my lack of interest in children.

Oh in case you’re wondering my mom's response to my announcement was a laugh and a "don't tell your father."


Friday, December 28, 2007

The Drool Factor. Sharing the yumminess which is Gerry

So I just wanted to share this with women everywhere...the beauty which is Gerard James Butler.

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Anyone who really knows me, knows about my fixation with this actor, I am head over heels in lust with him.

His new movie P.S I Love You

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also starring Hillary Swank, Kathy Bates, and Harry Conick Jr is amazing. Honestly one of the best movies I have seen all year and it had me "laughing through my tears." No really it has everything you could want in an emotional wrenching type of way.

Ok back to the beautiful Mr. Butler. He is 38, from Scotlend (OH YES HE DOES HAVE THAT SCOTTISH BURR!!), a former lawyer, and utterly charming. I leave you with a some yummy treats!

Also if you were wondering what movies he has been in:
*played the phantom in Phantom of the Opera
*King Leonidas in 300
*Attila in Attila the Hun
*Dracula in Dracula 2000
*"The stranger" in Dear Frankie (AMAZING Scottish movie!)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

*personal*- I want to live in Scotland

Yeah so this is short rant about how I want to move to Scotland or live somewhere in the UK within the next couple of years. I don't know how, when, or where, but I am determined to live and work there at least for a couple of years.

I have tried to explain this to my hermana (spanish for sister) who will go by the name of Siri. She has known about my "fixation" on moving there and finally asked me why a Latina American who has grown up in the burbs of D.C has this crazed urge to go live in a "cold and wet" place.

ok (1) It is not always cold and wet. And contrary to the land of my people (El Salvador) I really don't like hot weather. Don't get me wrong sun, sand, ocean, and tans, are nice and all, but I have always enjoyed winter and fall a lot more.
(2) Have you ever seen pictures of Scotland? IT IS BEAUTIFUL. There is something about the land, the way it seems to hold so much history and mystery within the lochs, mountains, castles, and fog. It just calls to me.

I believe that my facination stems from the movie Braveheart. I know that sounds odd, I want to go live and work in a foregin country based on a movie I saw when I was eleven. But I have done my research and looked into potential jobs, tax situations, flat prices, etc. and am anxious to go.

I plan on traveling there for a vacation before I do anything drastic, anyone game to come with me?

I mean seriouly
*FREE health care
*Guys with Accents
*The beautiful and pulling history of the land
*Did I mention Kilts?

whats not to love?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Senate Dems tell Bush to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Well not exactly, but in a manner of speaking they are. Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) officialy called the Senate into session today for eleven seconds. Yes you read that right, he essentially clocked into work durring vacation for eleven seconds. Why you ask, well the democrats are keeping congress in session all durring the break in oder to block Bush from making any recess appointments. Basically the president is allowed to fill out top goverment positiion for a year without the approval of congress as long as they are in recess.

So basically democrats are giving Bush the finger and keeping congress open, if only for a few seconds, all through the break and month of January. ( )lists that other Senators will share the duty inclucing:
Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts
Byron Dorgan of North Dakota
Jack Reed of Rhode Island
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
Ben Cardin of Maryland
Chuck Schumer of New York

*personal*-My Long Distance Lova

Ok so as you know I am really new to this whole blogging world (still feeling my way around) but my inspiration for starting one was my long distance lova who we will refer to as Franso. Now Franso and I met on a sunny day at a bbq at our University...we locked eyes from across the room and instantly I recognized a kindred spirit. From our love of trashy gossip, neo soul and hip hop, our sarcastic nature, and random personalities, I found someone so cool who I loved to chill with. Now I quickly became hooked on her personality, going to school functions together, texting mad crazy, just thinking this was one of the coolest chicks I had ever met and I was glad to have a new friend, only to find out that she was transfering out and leaving me... So yeah she broke my heart. I since have settled for her long distance lova status.

So check out her blog which is pretty damn awsome.

*Everytime I see Glitter I think of you Franso *tear* Got me all sad and times tempted to make a bust of you using starburts and a diana ross wig of lucious curls...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Poor Brit Brit

Ok so what would a blog be without mention of Brit Brit, yall?

I will make this quick and painless...

(1) I honestly do feel sorry for a degree. It is obvious she has mental issues of some sort and living in this bubble with the paps hounding her is not going to make it better.

(2) Someone needs to take her ass our of Hollywood. Seriously, she should go back to Kentland, LA or maybe another state. It isn't like she is working around the clock promoting her album.

I leave you with the song "sweetest girl" by Wyclef.
The lyrics make me think of Brit Brit. Ignore the video that attempts to focus on deeper issues such as immigration.


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Political Rants...don't worry I'll post more fluff later.

Ok so it is officially going to be 2008 in about eight more days…and you know what that means (at least to a 22 year old former West Wing addict and Keith Oberman devout follower) it is election YEAR! *insert loud and obnoxious party horn here*

Now to give you a little insight on my political views, I am a 22 year old, three times congressional/senate intern who was working the election campaign trail from the time I was sixteen. Yeah, politics seems to be a passion of mine which I attribute to my father reading Newsweek to me when I was little, living inside the beltway, and being so addicted to the West Wing (oh Aaron Zorkin how I miss thee) that it was to me much like starbucks and blow are everyday necessities to the Olsen Twins.

Any who I have not come out and officially endorsed any candidate, I have narrowed it down, but will be making an Oprah-like (in scale not necessarily in candidate choice…but one never does know) announcement soon.

So in the meantime I feel the need to post links to other blogs or articles that show all sides of the political spectrum of the democratic candidates. This morning Joe Wilson’s article in the Huffington Post ( caught my eye ( .

The article written by a former ambassador and casualty of the bush administration (his wife is Valerie Plane, the CIA agent who was outed by this country’s administration because Mr. Wilson was vehement in his opposition to Bush’s allegations of Weapons of Mass Destruction) uses this article to reiterate Obama’s Achilles heel.

You know, the fact that he has no foreign policy experience what so ever. He has stated that he will use his “intuition”, and the council of others in matters of foreign policy. Okay, well I would expect even an experienced person would do the same so him stating the use of intuition is not exactly awe inspiring. I feel that Senator Obama has fresh views, and I do agree with some of his policies; however as a loyal democrat I look for a candidate that can beat the competition (you know those pesky republicans), and if his lack of experience is already a huge issues in the primaries could you imagine what Fox news and other fascist portals of evil will do? Yeah…

In my ideal world I would be able to vote for Kucinich in the primaries, and he would beat the republican candidate. Unfortunately no matter how “progressive” we claim the U.S is, I highly doubt we are ready for Kucinich…

For now I think of him as a potential seabiscuit. Maybe the underdog can win…

Nah. For now I will just wish for a President Bartlett

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1st blog...Aaaand SCENE!

Ok well this is my first ever blog. How exciting. I guess I should first point out it is almost 4am (I think I have a borderline sleep disorder) and I am listening to old Hollywood songs and decided to start a blog- have I mentioned that I am RANDOM?

Well I guess I should introduce myself. I am a 22 year old Cynical Optimist living in Maryland (the suburbs of Washington dc) who is into old Hollywood movies, politics, Gerard Butler, black nail polish with great pumps, baseball, British football (that is soccer to all us Yanks), world affairs, and trashy gossip. So that is what you may expect from my future posts.

I would like to bring one topic up for discussion. I guess a thought to end the year with. Find happiness in all you do. Yup, that there is my sage little tid bit of advice. Being that I am in that awkward stage in life where your not still a full fledged adult with a mortgage and kids, but no longer in my oh so wistful days of unapologetically carefree youth I am using this mantra (come on say it with me... find happiness in all you do!) to basically map out the rest of my life...good times.

I leave you with what I was listening to as I was posting...enjoy.

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