Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Review for Lipstick Jungle on NBC

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So I watched the much talked about and hyped show "Lipstick Jungle" tonight. I allowed myself to overcome the horrible and clichéd name (really, they can't help it, it was the book title) and sat down to watch the "best thing to hit TV since Carrie and Mr. Big left". Right.

I am a huge Sex and the City fan, it was a smart, witty, and memorable show which kept not only female friendships realistic, but also the secret conversation we tend to have among friends about men, relationships, and sex. I braced myself to watch "Lipstick Jungle" and not compare it to the HBO counterpart. I really, really, really wanted to like the show...

I did not.

It was so boring and unrealistic. I found myself squirming in my chair from the less then clever dialogue and looking at the clock to see when the show was going to end. The characters were not that likeable and not once did I laugh or at least smirk.

Thank God the writer’s strike is said to be ending soon, because seriously, this was absolute crap.

Back to watching my Sex & the City DVD's for when I need a fix of some smart, witty, sexy, likeable female show.

1 comment:

Mighty Franso said...

that bad,huh?

i must investigate.