Friday, April 4, 2008

We go back like babies and...

So I would not label my self a real "Mariah Fan" or anything like that. I would not stand out in the rain waiting for concert tickets, get a butterfly tattoo, or make her a scrap book to show off on MTV cribs. But honestly I grew up on the woman! I hear a song and can distinctly remember major events in my life. So gearing up for her new album (don't hate) I was going back and looking at some old music videos. I can't really chose a favorite, but this one really stuck out for me. It did not get much air time, and if you think about her greatest hits you would prob not mention this song, but it defines my middle school/freshman highschool life. I love it, aint no shame in my game. And the limo scene reminds me of the Fiona Apple song Criminal, which is fucking A-Mazing! That is a whole nother post, but I really was never able to appreciate that song (criminal) until my college years.

Here is the Mariah video...enjoy.

1 comment:

Mighty Franso said...


i consider myself a MAJOR mariah fan, she was my favorite @ one point. (then xtina came along...)

and i aint even KNOW she had a video for the roof top!

homie, that was like the prettiest she's ever looked!

wow, thanks for that.

and uh... SECRET and SWEETEST GOODBYE?!!?!??!!??!

those are my 2 faves also!!!!

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*speechless regarding the effect those 2 songs have on me*

=) love you long distance lova